Building Something New

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“If all it took was one person, this kind of effort wouldn’t be so impressive.”


People who work together to make the world a better place are a treasure, and Rock the Catzba is fortunate enough to be spearheaded by experienced professionals, life-long friends, and trusted co-workers who have a knack for making a compassionate impact wherever they go in life. As we continue developing, we look to our community to raise awareness for those in need. Supporting Rock the Catzba means reducing the needless suffering of our feline friends and promoting healthier communities in the short term and long term.

Although it will take time and effort to reach our goals, the Rock the Catzba family has the desire and drive to see their dreams succeed. We look forward to growing and increasing our impact on our home, here in Florida, and guiding the way for those who want to help in supporting our cause.

More updates to come.